The challenges of the project − and how we met every expectation

What is Who uses it? is a powerfully built SaaS application that helps businesses, banks and professionals with end-to-end Investor Relations.
At its core, the platform has an impressive investor-relations engine, while two other concurrent additions to the suite include a media-relations app and an investor-communications app. In all, the application is a complete tool for management of investors.
Today, more than 80 of South Africa's top listed companies trust The Vault. These include First Rand, Standard Bank, Sibanye-Stillwater, Bidcorp, AngloGold, Ashanti Discovery, Pepkor, Bidvest, Aspen, Woolworths, Pick n Pay Transaction … and several more.
The Vault has clearly become the go-to platform for South Africa’s investor relations and communications executives. It offers access to a curated audience of over 25 000 analysts, fund managers, retail investors and executives, as well as the full spectrum of local and international business journalists.
What were Thevault’s principal requirements?
When Provis was approached to help The Vault, two principal goals were envisaged for the SaaS Investor Relations Platform.

An Investor Website Content Management System was needed.
It had to be structured such that designated group administrators could upload, edit and delete various types of information of interest to shareholders – such as news releases, reports, calendar dates, shareholder analysis, director’ details and events.

The SaaS Application had to enable Stakeholder Database Management.
The features and functionalities of such a platform had to include the following:
- Once subscribers are registered on Thevault, they should be able to join multiple company groups.
- Subscribers may be added to, or join a group, in a number of different ways.
- Subscribers should be able to edit their own profile details − as can the group administrators.
- Branded alerts and invitations should be conveyable to the group subscribers with a single click.
What did Provis face as complex challenges?
The critical challenge before Provis was to implement an application that could take data from the Stock Exchange and furnish this to the subscribers.
For this, a number of APIs had to be developed and integrated. The data gathered was likely to be huge and complex − and therefore, creating a scalable solution was imperative.
Further, once the data inflow system was worked out, it would also require active maintenance and support services.
Real time Data from Stock Exchange
Real Time Alerts by Custom CMS
Multiple Data Mining APIs Integration
Scalable Solution for Huge Data
Real time Data from Stock Exchange
Real Time Alerts by Custom CMS
Multiple Data Mining APIs Integration
Scalable Solution for Huge Data

The Provis strategy that led to the solution!
Clearly Provis needed to make an initial deep audit of the requirements of the final SaaS platform and what stakeholders and their subscribers would do with it.
Our first step therefore was therefore to hear out the intricacies of the client requirements. Our second step was to then design and build an Investor Relations Application that would be multi-featured, powerful and scalable.
Huge SaaS applications almost always have a host of interlinked features and functionalities – and we therefore had to plan meticulously for a separate feature list during every development phase and versions of the web application.
Importantly, we concentrated on building a strong backend and database – because the ability to manage bulk data and high traffic would emanate from there. On the frontend we focused on building an extremely immersive customer-facing design using diverse user-experience factors that would make the application easy and glitch-free to use for the particular target audiences in mind.
Benefits of the strong application we built!
Through our cumulative experience as a team at Provis – and by dint of sheer hard work - we successfully developed a solution for which now serves 1000+ companies. Among its many capabilities are these:
Kudos from a client who’s stayed with us!
We, at Provis, value the words of appreciation we have received from our client for the work we completed to their satisfaction. More than that, we value the long-term relationship we have built with our client. Here are the words of client-delight we have loved to hear:
“Working with Provis Technologies is an absolute pleasure! I am just impressed by their service quality and working strategy. They satisfied me to the full by delivering the exceptional solution.”
-- Director,
James Hammerton 5.0
Director, Thevault.exchangeAn example of the application in action!
How businesses are getting innovative with our SaaS Investor Relations Application is clear from a sterling example of the Sibanye-Stillwater screenshot below. What more could a developer want than to see an app being so easily adaptive and responsive to stakeholder requirements?