How does it feel when you put loads of effort into making a website, and a tiny mistake is noticed? There are some principles to consider while creating UI design. So here’s a rundown of the key principles of UI design.

A good UI design is invisible. And it’s better if it’s unnoticeable.

An effective user interface removes obstacles and stumbling blocks. Therefore, knowledge of UI design principles is imperative if you want to improve the design or create an effective design.

Before stepping further, there must be multiple questions in your mind, like what makes a UI design easy to read, how users can easily navigate, and which UI tool is most popular. 

The UI design segment is going through a revolution, and there are numerous tools according to different requirements. A good UI is one that people interact with. Therefore, along with an aesthetically appealing design, it should be simple to use.

A good UI design should be well-structured and balanced in every design aspect.

Principles of UI design

UI Design Principle

A great UI is crucial for a good user experience. UI has a great impact on business growth. Make sure the one you are creating is effective.

Now that we have discussed what UI design is. Let’s dive into the key principles of effective UI design. 

  1. Clarity 

The clarity in the user interface leads to a great user experience. The motive behind a good user interface is letting the users interact with the website.   

Avoid the elements that confuse the user’s mind and hinder your growth. A little confusion becomes an obstacle to a great user experience. 

As consumers, we also prefer a product that is easy to use. A good UI design is never decorative. An impractical design distracts the user from those elements that are useful and relevant. An element of no purpose and placed as a showpiece should be removed. It should provide good usability, a short learning curve, and great efficiency. 

The first impression is crucial; make sure it is not the last one. However, no design fits every need, so it is better to provide the best. 

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2. Consistency 

How does it feel when the delete button appears in green and accept or confirm in red?

Consistency is one of the major elements of a good UI design. A consistent design increases familiarity and helps users feel at ease. It gives users control of their actions. Creating a consistent design is crucial for numerous reasons.

The design you are developing should provide the same experience no matter how much content it bears. 

The design should include a well-designed set of colors, typography, and consistent positioning all over the design. 

A consistent UI means similar design patterns and consistent commands from the interface. To develop a consistent design, ensure that similar elements have the same appearance and functionality. 

3.  Provide users with the Control 

No one wants to hold the user manual and watch the ongoing process as a viewer. Users want to have control over the product they are using. 

It depends on the designer’s creativity and what they want to provide to the end users. Whether they want to give complete control or nothing at all, only designers can make that happen.

Users want to have control over what they are using. Therefore, designers must understand who the users are and what they want from the design. A user needs to give the required control to avoid feeling trapped.

Instead of forcing them into a flow, let the users decide their path. They should be provided with easy correction of errors and a quick return to the home page.  

Instead of creating confusion, design a navigation bar that leads the users to important site pages.

Also Check: How to Design an Effective UX Design Strategy

4. Provide Relevant Feedback 

Users must be provided with relevant and regular feedback regarding any progress. Provide feedback that their actions have been received. This acknowledgment gives users a sense of satisfaction that they were heard. 

Every action the user takes should be acknowledged and indicate whether the action was successful or not. Otherwise, the user will never know and lose interest in the design. In addition, instant feedback keeps users at ease and confident that they have done what was required.

The feedback comes in various forms, like messages, emails, pop-up notifications, brief sounds, etc. So instead of waiting and finding out, the user gets instant notifications. 

Principles of UI design

5. Accessibility    

One of the most important UI design principles is accessibility. While using your product, a customer should feel at ease and comfortable. That’s where UI design needs to be accessible.

Accessibility involves making your user interface more understandable and clutter-free. Here, designers have to think about and consider all kinds of users. Therefore, the design should have structured layouts and CTAs. As a designer, it is your responsibility to ensure that your product is accessible to every individual, including people with low vision, motor impairments, hearing impairments, blindness, and cognitive impairments.

Regardless of different functions, your product should be available to the widest variety of customers. Try to use interactive elements wisely and allow users to resize the screens. 

6. Avoid Complexity    

Long processes frustrate users. The processing should include a minimum number of steps and fewer screens. Aim for an efficient design. An efficient design identifies a user’s requirement at every step and removes unnecessary clicks and taps.

While minimizing the steps, ensure to organize the information is in a structured and logical manner.

Reducing the number of steps in completing the task can be a great advantage. The less complex the design, the more convenient it is for a user. No user wants to waste their time searching for functions. Organize the screens and content logically.

Don’t force the user to pass an obstacle course to complete a simple task. What irritates a user most is re-entering the information they have already provided.

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To Sum Up

Following these basic design principles can lead to an effective user interface. Because, at last, what matters most is a great user experience. The above principles will help create a great design, so users hardly notice the UI.

No doubt, the interfaces in the future will be more efficient, intuitive, and predictable. But the principles mentioned in this article will be a great help. 

Creating a great user interface and matching it with business objectives is quite difficult. But with Provis Technologies, an efficient UI is guaranteed. Moreover, we bring out unique solutions with a team of skilled developers.

At Provis Technologies, our developers craft appealing UI and UX designs depending on the client’s requirements. A visually amazing and user-friendly design can accelerate your business’ growth, and our developers are quite proficient in this field.