
HomeMobile App Development Software Development Vs Application Development: Key Differences and Similarities

Software Development Vs Application Development: Key Differences and Similarities

Software Development Vs Application Development: Key Differences and Similarities

When it comes to building mobile apps or websites, terms like “software development” and “application development” are often used interchangeably. No doubt, they share common ground, but there are several differences between the two. 

In this blog, we will understand what software and application development are, along with the key differences and similarities between them. 

Let’s start! 

What is Software Development?

Software Development is a broad term that encompasses the entire process of designing, programming, documenting, and testing software applications. The main purpose of software development is to create powerful apps that can run on various operating systems. The programming languages used in software development are Python, Java, C++, and Ruby.

Some of the most prominent software products are Microsoft Office Suite and Google Chrome browser. Software applications are widely used in industries such as healthcare, finance, and education as these help businesses automate processes and provide better services.

What is Application Development?

The application development process includes creating, testing, and deploying apps to run on devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers. The main purpose of app development is to give customers a seamless experience while using the application. These apps are mostly developed by using programming languages like Java for Android and Swift for iOS.

App development is getting more popular with the increasing usage of smartphones, and tablets. One great example of application development is Amazon. Other examples may include Facebook for social media, WhatsApp for communication, Google Maps for navigation, and Microsoft Office for productivity.

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Key Differences Between Software Development vs Application Development 

The main differences between Software development and application development are discussed below.

Parameter Application Development Software Development
Platform Apps are mainly created for devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers Softwares are mainly created for developing web-based applications for desktops
User Interface The goal of this development is to create a user-friendly interface The goal of this development is to create a more complex user interface
Functionality This development creates an app that performs specific tasks or functions This development provides apps that perform difficult tasks and automation
Deployment Application development usually deploys its apps through app stores Software development deploys the apps through websites or client-server models
Examples Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Google Maps, Spotify, and Amazon Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Photoshop, Mozilla Firefox, VLC Media Player, and Google Chrome
Programming Languages Uses programming languages such as Swift, Objective-C, Python, Java, and Flutter Uses programming languages like Python, Java, C++, and PHP
Benefits Apps help businesses target and retain their users, increasing online sales Software helps boost employee productivity, improving business efficiency and automating processes
Process Steps include strategy, UX/UI design, coding, QA, support, and maintenance Steps include ideation, designing, programming, testing, and deploying
Focus Focuses on making the end-user’s day-to-day tasks easier with meaningful features Focuses on writing clear codes to develop high-quality software and web apps
Aim To create user-friendly apps for a better user experience To create custom software to meet business goals and automate processes

Key Similarities Between Software Development and Application Development 

We have discussed the key differences between software development and application development. Now, let’s have a look at their key similarities.

  • Platform Independence

Both software and applications can be designed to work across various operating systems and devices. Web apps are accessible via any web browser, while mobile apps are available on platforms like iOS and Android.

  • Front-End Development

Both software and applications focus on delivering a seamless user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is necessary for creating effective and engaging front-ends.

  • Back-End Development

Software and applications both require back-end development to handle data storage, database interactions, and server-side logic. Software development typically uses server-side languages such as PHP, Python, and Node.js, and app development uses languages like Java and Kotlin for Android and Swift for iOS.

  • Database Management

Both manage databases to store and retrieve information efficiently. Common database management systems are used such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB.

  • Security Considerations

Security is crucial in both app and software development. Both apps and software use security practices like encryption, secure authentication, and data validation to safeguard sensitive information and prevent unauthorized access.

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Factors to Consider When Choosing Between App Development and Software Development

While choosing between application development and software development, consider a few factors before making your decision. The factors are discussed below.

Project Scope and Purpose

Before choosing between Application and Software development, consider your project scope and purpose. The software application is applicable for complex projects where it needs to serve multiple functionalities. Application development is tailored to specific platforms and provides specific solutions. Think about the scale, objective, and intended users before making a decision. 

Target Audience

Do a thorough research on who your end-users are and what are their need. The design and functionality of your application mainly depend on demographics and user behaviour. Before deciding between software and an app, consider the geographic location and language of your target audience if you want to reach a global audience.  

Platform Compatibility

Make sure that the app or software, whatever you are developing has compatibility across different systems. Having compatibility between smartphones, tablets, desktops, and laptops, running on different operating systems like iOS, Android, and Windows is very important. Take into consideration technical requirements such as RAM size and processing power as well.

Development Time and Resources

Think about the development time and resources as well before deciding on app or software development. As software provides you with extensive functionalities, it takes more time and resources to develop it. But applications can be developed quickly and are resource-efficient as well. So, make your decision after considering the urgency and resources available for the project.

Functionality and Features

Functionality and features also play a crucial role in deciding software or application development. Software development gives you the comfort of comprehensive functionalities across different domains. Application development is suitable for projects that require specific features for targeted user needs. This ensures a more solid and purposeful solution.

Application Developer vs Software Developer

The app developer and software developer are two separate roles in the software development industry. Application developers mainly focus on creating products for end users, whereas software developers focus on creating products that will be used by other developers. The app developer has skills in mobile, web, and desktop app development. The software developer has skills in programming languages, software design patterns, and database management. The app developer vs software developer salary is also an important topic. Statistics show that the salary of any developer depends on the location, experience, and skill set of the developer. The higher their experience, the more they earn.

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To develop any application or software, you will require time, money, and resources. You can choose any of these two solutions based on your requirements. Both of these developments provide growth opportunities for your business. Consider the various factors discussed in the blog to make a more informed decision. We hope this guide will help you understand the difference between software and an app to fulfill your needs better.   


What’s the difference between software development and app development?

The main difference between software and app development is that: software development is the broader term that encompasses the making of any type of software, including apps. App development means the making of applications specifically for mobile devices, desktops, and laptops.

What programming languages are commonly used in software development?

There are many programming languages for software development. Among them, the most popular languages are Java, Python, C++, JavaScript, and Ruby. The software developer chooses any of these languages based on the type of application they are making and their platform.

How much does software development cost?

The cost of any software development mainly depends on the complexity, features, and technological requirements of the software. If the software you are making is small-scale, then the cost will be low. But if the software needs to have intricate features, then the cost will be high. Developing software that you can integrate with your CRM and ERP is the best decision.

Can a software developer build a mobile app?

A software developer can build a mobile app, but the developer needs to have expertise in iOS or Android and should have knowledge about mobile frameworks. The developer also needs to learn some other skills related to mobile development so that the app can have optimal performance. Specialized knowledge of mobile app design is important to create a successful mobile application.

What are the most important stages in the software development life cycle or SDLC?

The most important stages in the software development life cycle are planning, designing, implementing, testing, deploying, and maintenance.

Written by Anish Ojha on
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Anish Ojha

For the past 8 years, he has been engaging with clients and potential clients to enable business transformation. He is committed to building a reputation for quality and delivery for our clients while building a strong technical and social culture within the company.

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